For many of you, snow may not be a big deal, but for us native Austinites, it doesn't come around often. It has been very cold this past week in Den Haag and I was told in the doctor's office yesterday that the weather is uncharacteristically cold for this time of year. The weather is usually very cold in November and December and then warms up to the 30's and 40's in January and February. The lady that I spoke to said that she thinks that the winter has come later than usual. It has been in the 20's and will continue to stay in the 20's and low 30's for the next forecast week. This is some serious weather for the Perry family from Texas. We are used to a dip into the 30's and then the next day back up to the 70's. We are having a hard time finding things to do with the kids indoors. On top of this, they are entering their terrible 2's and are throwing some serious fits and it is a brave act to take them out in public. If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the ups and downs of a 2 year old and especially TWO 2 year olds, please feel free to give me any advice you can. I need it. Anyway, back to the weather, it is snowing like crazy right now, so I took some photos and I will add some more later once it has stuck to the ground some more. Enjoy!
Our garden when it first began to snow |
About 5 minutes after it began to snow |
The dogs were barking and I looked up to see this. The neighbors were replacing a window. They were doing it with a crane. You can see part of the window over the shed. It was pretty big. |
The crane was so high up! If the babies hadn't been napping, they would have loved to see this and probably would have said "cooooo!". (cool) |
The street in front of our house about 5 minutes into the snow. |
The crane blocked our whole street so cars could not get by. This is very common here on one way streets. People either wait or try to back up. It is nice having a bicycle because you can go around or walk your bike on the sidewalk and not worry about waiting. I will pass on a car, thank you very much! |
This is the same view of the front of the house but 15 minutes into the snow. There is a ton of snow falling, so I am sure later in the day I will have even more impressive photos for you all! Hopefully Lili and Linc will wake up in a good mood and we can go outside and play in it and maybe even build a snow man! |
Totally unrelated to the snow, but this is what was for dinner last night. My first attempt at a Philly Cheesesteak. It was so yummy! The cheese here is so good and the bread shops are great too. I am having to adjust what I cook based on the products available here so it's definitely a process, but I am catching on. The potatoes are fabulous, so we are eating lots of them. Carb city baby! Hey, at least they were baked, not fried! |
When those two are teenagers you will think the terrible twos were a breeze. So enjoy it. Love the snow...Momsy