Monday, March 26, 2012

Last Sunday in Den Haag

Yesterday was our last Sunday in Den Haag.  We went to the beach with the entire family.  Enjoy the photos!

Linc had a blast looking at the water

It was such a nice day.  There were a ton of people out and lots of sailboats.

Daddy trying to deal with a 2 year old tantrum from Lili, hold 2 dogs, and watch Linc.  Multitasker!

The dogs looking at the beach and thinking about how much they will miss it.

All the humans walking the dogs.

One of the only ways we can get a pic of both of us.

The twins making their own bunk beds out of the dining room built in cabinets.  Clever little boogies.

Linc caught in the act.  Naughty naughty.  Even Elmo is upset with him!

Italy - Part 3

Things have been a little crazy here since we have gotten back from Italy.  We got back Friday night and Monday morning we found out that we the kids and I will be moving back to the United States on April 2.  With only 2 weeks notice, we have been frantically trying to get things in order.  Now, instead of getting things ready while the kids nap, I am updating our blog.  Below are some pictures from the second part of our week long trip to Italy.  We are so thankful we were able to take that trip, especially now that we are headed home to Texas.  Italy is heaven on earth.  Ryan had never been before and now he can't stop talking about the food, people, beautiful countryside.  We will definitely be back!  Enjoy our photos!

Beautiful girl waiting for the train to Viareggio - we gave it another try and the train station was empty.  We had a car all to ourselves!

The train's over there momma!

Momma and her boy

Linc loved the train

Lili studying Italian for our trip

Italian transportation.  The Vespa is made in Italy.

Just taking a nap in the middle of the street

This is how we did laundry on our trip.  No dryer.

Punta del Diablo.  So breathtaking.

View from the bridge (Punta)

Steps to a beautiful church in Barga.  Linc climbed all of them by himself!

The Perrys at the top of the steps

Linc and Daddy

Lili and Momma

Linc playing in the church

Lunch at Cafe GiGi after our trip to Barga.  This was the best pasta I had on my entire trip!

We had the best dinner at Buca di San Antonio in Lucca


Delicious dinner


View from a tower that both Ryan and I climbed with trees growing on top of it.

This is the tower.  You can see the trees way up at the top.

Cutest twins in Italy!

Lili and Momma

Linc chasing the birds

More carousel  rides

Daddy and Linc

Lunch at Trattoria Leo

Leaning tower of Pisa with a little added lean from the camera!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day from our family to yours!  Below are some pics from our St. Patty's day here in Holland.  They don't celebrate here, but we made it a big deal at our house!  Green cocktails, green beer and Shepherd's Pie!  A little Leprechaun even stopped by for a visit!  Enjoy our photos from the day!

Lili and Linc's first Leprechaun sighting!
Green cocktail

Ryan's new toy

First time grilling on the tiniest grill in Haag

What will later becomed Shepherd's Pie baby!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Italy - Due

Days two and three in Italy have been better than the first.  The weather is getting even better, with sunny skies and temperatures in the low 60's during the days.  We couldn't ask for anything more after living in constant overcast and cold for 2 plus months!  We have been wandering around the town of Lucca and today we planned on going to the beach, a 20 minute train ride away.  We bought our tickets for 6 euros and waited for the train.  I have never seen so many teenage Italians in my life as I saw at the train station this morning.  I felt like I was on a blown up version of MTV's the Jersey Shore.  I fit in even though I am a 34 year old, as I was wearing my skinny jeans, tennis shoes, and giant sun glasses.  When the train arrived, we quickly decided against getting on as there was standing room only, and definitely no room for a stroller for twins.  There were Italian teenagers hanging out the sides and looking very excited about the adventures that were upon them.  We decided that it was worth the 6 euros for the kids to see the trains and the teenagers and we turned around and went back into Lucca and planned a taxi ride to the beach for tommorrow.  No more trains from Lucca for this Perry family of 4, at least until the twins aren't in a stroller.  Please enjoy the photos of the past few days in Lucca!

The twins are loving their bicycles
A great playground we found where the kids had to really work to get to the slide!

Momma and Lili

Lili just a "hangin'"

Linc just a "squatin'"

Daddy and his boo

One of the many delicious restaurant where we have dined
How sweet is this?

Momma's booboo!
Thank goodness she likes pasta!

Thank goodness he likes pasta!

Thank goodness HE likes pasta!

Look at that sweet face!
Taken after our bust at the train station
Found while searching for snacks
Linc found a friend while we had lunch

Linc relaxed while we had lunch

Pizza and Ryan's giant calzone!

Delicious pasta for the bambinos!