Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Half Birthday to us!

The twins are now 2 and 1/2 years old as of August 11th and they are getting cuter and cuter by the minute.  We decided because they share a birthday each year that we will try and celebrate their half birthday with a small family celebration each August to double the fun!  This year we made a cake and got them a few little gifts.  It was really a lot of fun.  It was the first time they really understood what "birthday" was and what blowing out candles was.  The following few days, Linc thought we should "make cake" like we did on their half birthday.  It's really all he talks about.  The cake and the obnoxiously loud toys we got them.  Linc got an airplane and Lili got a train.  They are the WORST toys ever.  Well, that's just my opinion.  If you ask them, they are the BEST toys ever.  They have not let go of them since they got them.  Linc even has his airplane sleep in his closet when he goes to bed (because we won't let him have that noisy thing in bed, a lesson we learned in hotel in Amsterdam when he stayed up until 3am playing).  Please enjoy the photos below from the past week.

Only way to paint - outside (less mess for momma to clean up), in the nude (less mess for the clothes), with the potty by our side (momma can sit instead of having to take kids inside to pee) in case of an emergency.  Hmmm... momma is sounding kind of lazy.

Waiting patiently for their cakes

1/2 Birthday Cakes

Blowing out his candles
She can barely wait to take a bite.

No fork needed

WAIT!  Go get me a fork!  By the way, he wanted to wear the dress.  He pretty much wants to do everything that Lili does.  He looks pretty cute, doesn't he?!!!

That's right.  Linc is civil.  Lili is a barbarian

Lili shoveling and linc forking

We are so cute!

Looking in my new bag for my airplane.  We had to "camo" out Lili as she decided to take her dress off for the gift opening.

Lili loves her train!  Just like the ones we rode in Europe!

Linc loves his airplane!  Just like the ones he and his sister screamed on for 10 hours!
Daddy thinks he is the coolest dude in town.  Little does he know, he has kids now and his life is kind of boring.  But shhhh.... don't tell him that.  We pretend his life is still so happening and he is still so totally cool. 



Linc decided to pee in the grass but forgot his clothes were on.  He was not happy when he had to change.

Lili playing "bridge" for her train.

Loves her train!

Little Lili Longhorn

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Perry Twins go Potty!

In case you haven't noticed, we haven't been posting a ton of pics lately.  Well, that is likely because we have been in potty training mode for going on 2 months now and most of our photos involve the kids sitting on the toilet or they are without clothes.  First it was Linc and now we are working on Lili.  It has been quite the task training twins.  We tried when they were 18 months (almost a year ago, yikes!) and gave up.  We were going to try at 2 years and then we had our lives turned upside down with the move to the Netherlands, the move again to Austin, and then the move to Katy.  So now that our lives have somewhat settled, we decided it was time.  Well, Linc decided it was time.  He was taking his diaper off and peeing all over his room, so we decided diaper or no diaper, the pee would be everywhere, so why not give it a shot?  He did great and is now fully potty trained during the day, wearing pull-ups only at night when he goes to bed.  Lili started training about a month after Linc, in mid July and is just now really getting it and her accidents have become less and less.  She is only wearing pull-ups at night as well.  Yay for peepee in the potty!  I have to say that this has been quite the undertaking and quite unsanitary to say the least.  Thank goodness we are moving (AGAIN!!!) in the next month or so and we can get rid of some of the items that have been soiled in the process.  Potty training twins is something that I am glad I will not have to do again!  Milestones.  They feel good.  The kids will turn 2 and 1/2 this weekend and they will start part time preschool in September so the timing could not have been more perfect.  Whew!  This momma is exhausted!  Enjoy some pics of the past couple of months from the Perry clan! 

Lili and Linc's sweet cousins, Ryder, Fischer and Parker

Posing with cousins

Cousins with Grandma Jackie

Cousin Ryder

Silly Lincy is always hamming it up for the camera

Pretty princess Liliana

I mean, mom, do you REALLY have to take my picture on the potty?!!!!

Big Boy Undies!!!!

This is how we potty at the park

This is how we potty on car rides and when we want to avoid public restrooms.  I am sure you really wanted to know.

The kids love getting their "duck ducks" after swim lessons.

Peepee on the potty before we go to the mall and ride the train

Holding hands while we peepee on the potty and watch "Cars"