Friday, June 29, 2012

On the move... Again!

The Perry family is on the move again! Ryan has moved many times in his life. Me, not so much. The amount of times we will have moved in 2012 will be equivalent to the amount of times that I have moved in my lifetime! This move will be a permanent one. For many years! We are so excited that we have found such a great home for our family. Coming in October 2012, the new Perry Pad will be located in Cinco Ranch, Katy, TX! Get ready for some great memories to be made here, Home, sweet Home!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Time!

It's finally summer, we are back in the US and it's time to have some fun!  We have been enjoying our new home in Katy, TX and have found a great little park within walking distance where the twins like to play!  We have also been swimming quite a bit as it has been hot outside!  And what would summer be without a little roasting of s'mores?  No pics of the swimming yet, but below are some photos of the kids at the park and a pic of the twins roasting s'mores with their cousins Tyler and Austin.  Enjoy!